This package is made up of the following commands for computing BLEU and some statistics.
Ruby 1.9 ready.
Japanese comments of bleulib.rb are translated into English.
Japanese comments are added on bleulib.rb. Charset is EUC_JP UTF-8.
These comments are planned to translate into English on the next version.
If corpus word count is smaller than BLEU ngram(default: 4 words), bleulib.rb(version <= 1.03) aborts. This bug is fixed on 1.04.
bleulib.rb(0.08 <= version <= 1.01) has a small bug and it affects to line_bleu.rb of "-ngram" option. Please use a bugfix version(1.03).
ruby doc_bleu.rb [options] [Translation Result] [Reference...]
The options of doc_bleu.rb are followings:
ruby line_bleu.rb [options] [translation result] [references...]
The option of line_bleu.rb is only the following:
[max-gram BLEU]\t[(max-1)-gram BLEU]\t...[min-gram BLEU]\t[Translation Result]
ruby bootstrap.rb [Random Seed] [Number of Sampling] [System1 Result] [System2 Result] [Reference..]
ruby binom.rb [Random Seed] [Significance Level(%)] [Partition Number] [System1] [System2] [Reference..]
ruby confiv.rb [options] [Random Seed] [Number of Sampling] [Significance Level(%)] [System result] [Reference..]
The option of confiv.rb is only the following:
If you use --gnuplot option, output is following when interval is [min,max]:
[System BLEU]\t[min]\t[max]\n
All programs require result and reference files the same lines of which must have the relationship of result-reference at sentence level. File format is follows:
Please look at examples in a package.
The author would like to thank Professor Mikio Yamamoto for his many advices to this work.